日本語 English



一般社団法人 大型ドローン協会(略称:JIDA)は、日本のドローン航空業界の安全確保につとめ当該技術・知識の普及と諸般の研究調査を行い、ドローンの健全な発展を促進しています。 ​昨今のドローンの急速な普及に準じて、ドローンを有効活用する産業分野は増え続け、ドローン使途の幅は一気に広がっていますが、ドローン操縦士の技術・技量および飛行に関する関連法制への理解がドローン実用化の進展についていけず、重要な建築物(首相官邸・有名神社・城郭など)への落下事件が相次ぎ社会問題化しています。 本協会は、ドローンに関連する問題を解決すべく、ドローンの先なる時代の航空安全の保全のための教育事業を履行するための活動を行っております。


Dear Japanese Drone Aviators and Prospective Drone Aviators​

Unmanned Vehicle University (UVU) is pleased to partner with the Japanese Drone Pilot Association to bring you the world’s best Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)/ Drone pilot training.
UVU is the leading university in the world in providing full-spectrum unmanned aircraft education and training ranging from certificated piloting courses all the way up to Masters and Doctorate of Science (DSc) degrees in Unmanned Systems Engineering.

This UAV piloting course was developed by our professional staff of world-class expert aviators to meet the needs of the current and future Japanese workforce who have the desire and passion to break into the exciting UAV/Drone industry.

Our UAV/Drone pilot training course will prepare you to offer professional UAV services to industries such as agriculture, infrastructure inspection, cinematography, film, construction, real estate, surveying and mapping, and numerous additional applications. With this training, you will be able to join what is known as “the drone revolution” that is changing the way many industries operate globally.

In every application where drones are employed, they have made business operations safer, most cost-effective and more timely. Said another way, Drones save lives, save money and save time!

We are excited to have you join the ranks of hundreds of professionals who have benefited from our training programs.

Good Luck and I will see you on the inside!

​波多野 昌昭







